A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas Blessings 2018

I have to brag on my Dear Hubby for a minute.  I went Christmas shopping with him the Wednesday before Christmas.  I tried hard not to look at things in fear that he would think it was something I wanted.  But when we went into Belks looking for our Daughter-In-Law a glass  bowl for her Kitchen-aide mixer, we walked by the handbag department and this beautiful Micheal Kors purse made me stop and look at itself!   Dear Hubby bought me a Micheal Kors purse last year for Christmas that I carry it every day and I didn't need another purse.

Micheal Kors $358
 So Dear Hubby snuck away from work on Christmas eve and went back to Belks for the purse.  After seeing the price tag and almost having a heart attack......He knew I would kill him if he spent $358 on a purse!

So he bought me one he thought I would like and I LOVE it even more.  I didn't have one in a light color and it was PERFECT!  Better than that, he picked me out a wallet that was not only RFID but had a portable power pack for charging my cell phone.  He's the best!
b.o.c $45.00

b.o.c. wallet $20.00

b.o.c. power pack wallet
My Momma drove over for Christmas Eve and we had a very nice time with ALL the kids here.  I didn't remember to take any pictures while everyone was here but I did take a few photos of some of the wonderful presents I received.

Girl M & Boy AJ gave me a shadowbox sign that I've hung in the dining room.  It's perfect!

Blessed & Grateful

My Momma gifted me a nightgown and robe set from Vermont Country Store that's so pretty. It's an  Elieen West Midnight Sonata set in mint green cotton, perfect for summertime.  She also gave me a Pioneer Woman lazy susan and a Olfa 60" rotary cutter and extra blades.

Eileen West Midnight Sonata Nightgown & Robe
Pioneer Woman lazy susan

Olfa rotary cutter with extra blades

Boy T & our DIL gave me the best apron and an essential oil necklace.  Boy F. gave me Bath & Body Works candles.

My favorite scents

Perfect saying apron

Essential Oil necklace

My sweet niece gave Dear Hubby & myself a coffee cup  with our initials and a dish towel that I LOVE the saying.

Dear Hubby received two thin blue line gifts.  Our oldest Son and DIL gave him this mirrored one.  Dear Hubby has already taken it to his office to show it off.  He was so proud.

Thin blue line framed work
Dear Hubby's boss gave him this wooden thin blue line artwork.  A very touching and considerate gift.
Wooden thin blue line artwork
The stars are bullet casings.  A piece of art.

Bullet casings

Sparky the Fat Cat got a cozy house for Christmas.  He did go in a sleep most of the day on Christmas but hasn't looked at it since.

Sparky the Fat Cat
Bojangles was gifted treats from Boy T & Girl K and our grand-dogs.  He laid there staring at the container most of the afternoon.  He knew it was for him.

Bojangles's treats
 Santa Paws brought Bojangles a little something in his stocking.  While I was in the Kitchen making cinnamon rolls this is what he did until the kids got up.  He knew the stocking was for him.  He's so smart!

Guarding his stocking
I am truly Blessed and spoiled!

Until next time...................


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