A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Islander Sewing System #232 Hangin' Out Shirt Christmas Gifts

I made Girl M's boyfriend two shirts for a Christmas gift.  Fabric mart had some cotton fabrics on sale and I thought of him when I saw them.  I'm not sure what he's going to think of the Math fabric but it cracks me up.

Mathematical Print Fabric

$11.00 Shirt

Short sleeve Front View

Back View
Since it's always so hot here in Florida I usually make short sleeve shirts but I had enough fabric to make a long sleeve version in the horse print.  I'm amazed how easy sewing sleeve plackets and cuffs on is and wonder why I don't do it more often.

Poplin Horse Print

Long Sleeve Front View

Back View

$7.50 Shirt
Both shirts sewed up easily and I do hope he likes them.  (I'll update later on)

While sewing I saw a pin in the bottom of my coffee cup!  OMG I'm trying to kill myself!  See how dangerous sewing and drinking can be.  I think I'll start putting a lid on my coffee cup from now on.

Drinking coffee & sewing is dangerous!
I'm off to sew something wonderful.................

Until next time...................



  1. Those shirts look amazing! I like the mathematical fabric.

  2. I have that math fabric too!! I didn't get it from fabric mart, though, and paid way more than $4/yd!

  3. Wonderful shirts! Be careful with those pins!

    1. Thank you, I now keep a lid on my coffee cup in the sewing room, especially when I'm throwing pins around.....LoL!

  4. Those shirts are so nice. But I'm kicking myself for missing that Math fabric!!! My best friend reads math books every evening in his spare time just for funsies. For fun! I've been trying to be good because my stash is so out of control. But then I go and miss out on something like that and now I know I can't miss looking not even one single day! lol.


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