A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, September 25, 2017

Plaid Fall Handkerchief Hem Skirt

Fall Sewing:

I have had this plaid fabric as long as I can remember and I have been wanting to make a skirt or jacket with it.  I decided that a handkerchief hem skirt would be a nice change.  Maybe some fringe........

Fall Plaid Handkerchief Hem Skirt
The fabric is so soft and buttery and was very easy to work with.  Since I am not a fan of woven fabrics I just went with it.  I used my half circle skirt pattern and squared the fabric at the hem.  Serged the seams together, added a invisible zipper to one side and fringed the bottom and I was done.

The only problem I have is WHAT to wear with it!  I tried brown for a top and I wasn't impressed.  White didn't do it either.  I'm thinking a black fitted top/blouse with my black boots.

It's tough to match the rust color so I will probable stay away from that.  Maybe an Ivory colored top?

$4.20 Fall Plaid Skirt

When is it going to get cooler here is Florida so I can wear my "NEW" Fall clothes?

Until next time...............



  1. Maybe we can wear "warm" clothes by late November, 2 or 3 times in December, and a few times in March. January is usually warm. LOL

    1. You are a true "Floridian!" I love Fall/Winter wear but it's disappointing when you only get to wear it once or twice a year.

  2. My first thought was a cream or ivory top. Re: Fall, we have the same issue here in Texas. It's been in the mid to high 90's the last few weeks which certainly makes it hard to think about fall/winter outfits!

    1. I love Fall but it's too bad we only have one or two days of cooler weather. Maybe a brown tank top?????

  3. I think both ivory and black will loook great with this skirt!

    1. Thank you, I can't wait for a cooler day to wear try it out.


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