A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, September 18, 2017

Daisy Print ITY Knit Circle Skirt

I do love a circle skirt.  The only trouble I have is that with my size sometimes the hem will get all wonky.  Higher at the sides and longer in the front & back.  I just decided to ditch my pattern and draft a new one.  Thank you Pinterest!

After a Math class, lots of pencils, papers and scissors, I have a TNT Circle Skirt Pattern!

The fit is good, the length is good and the hem line is an A+!

Daisy Print ITY Knit Skirt

Wardrobe Builder


I finished the kitchen cabinet doors and re-installed them!  Half of the kitchen is finished!

My next project is the counter tops on the sink side.  My motto is:  If I paint, I can sew!  I'll update with pictures soon.

Until next time..........



  1. I love that skirt Bonnie, and it goes with so many things. Is is a full circle, and how did you do the waist? Elastic or zipper? How did you hem it? I have some ity I would like to try this with. Your kitchen is beautiful, you are multitalented! Glad you came through the hurricane all right.

  2. The waist is elastic, I made a waistband from fabric double the width of the elastic (I used 1") plus seam allowances. Serged onto the skirt, inserted the elastic & done. When I hem these type skirts I use a 5/8" hem after serging. If the hem is wider, it wants to pucker. Thanks for your kind comments & stopping by my blog. I am glad that Hurricane Irma is out of here, we don't need anymore storms this year! My kitchen is still a work in progress, I figure if I can save a few dollars and do it myself, that's more money for fabric!!!

  3. You did a great job on the skirt. And your kitchen is really coming together!


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