A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, September 29, 2017

McCall 7381 Everything's Coming Up Roses

After Hurricane Irma I was ready to get back to my sewing room.  I want things back to normal.  No more yard work, no more generators, no more hot, sticky nights trying to sleep and most of all no more Weather Channel.  Don't get me wrong, I am very lucky we were all ok and that there was no major damage at home but having a "normal" day is GREAT!

After the storm with no power I cut out fabric for the McCall 7381 dress.  I didn't get back to sew it up until after we got power when I realized that this wasn't the pattern I wanted to use.  OOPS!  But I went ahead and sewed it up since I had on the black version while I was sewing this one...... Karma?

McCall 7381

McCall 7381

The dress when together great, then my sewing machine died!  Something with the bobbin casing kept jumping out of the part that holds it.  What's a girl to do?  I have always owned Brother Sewing Machines and I really didn't want to go to another brand since I had a lot of bobbins and feet that work with my Brother.  I didn't waste anytime and ordered another Brother online.  I don't need anything fancy, no embroidery, I don't need 200+ stitches since I use the same 5 ALL the time, the only thing I really wanted was an extension table so that this one will fit flush down into my sewing table.  Dear Hubby bought my last machine over 10 years ago and it's been a great machine.

McCall 7381

But I did finish the McCall 7381 on Girl M's cheap $49 Brother machine.  It sewed it up beautifully.  I was done in about an hour, even though it took me three hours since I was on the phone with my Mother most of time.

The dress fit great and the fabric was "free" given to me by the lady from our Church.  It's a texture cotton.  Thin, but cool for summer.  I love how the shape of the fabric makes me look like I have a waist!

Until next time.................



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