A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Home Sweet Home

I was able to get home yesterday after Hurricane Irma.  The 15 mile drive was like being on a sightseeing tour.  Lots of trees and power lines down along the road and debris in peoples yards and on the road.  The 40 acres around our home has over 12 huge trees down.  They all fell in the same direction!

The best part of coming home was being able to see Dear Hubby for a little while before he returned back to work.  He's exhausted both mentally and physically.  Hopefully he will be off work this weekend.  Working 7 days straight 12 hours shifts, sleeping on the office floor takes a toll on a body.

Our home is here, in tact, just in need of some yard cleanup.  Something for Girl M & I to do during the evenings.  There is no school yet.  Maybe next week school will resume.  We are expected to be without power for 7 to 14 days. Dear Hubby has us a generator, it will run most of the house.  No A/C or stove and refrigerator but we have fans, TV and lights.  We're camping in 95 degree temperatures!

The best part is that I was able to clean the pool up and it's very refreshing!  I spent most of the afternoon yesterday in there.  I volunteered to clean it!

Thank you to all my sewing friends for prayers and words of encouragement.  I am one blessed girl!

I will have post coming of items I sewed before the storm.  I'm a little behind on getting them up and posted.  But I hope that I will be sewing soon since I have a little power.

It's great to be home & I'm feeling blessed

Until next time...........



  1. Glad you are safe and have some power at least!

  2. So glad for your safety and home still standing. Sad for the trees. Thank you for posting. Wish you well.

  3. Glad you are safe and have the pool to help you cool down until the power comes back on. <3

  4. Happy to hear you're back home and safe. Bless God! Doing things you enjoy--like sewing and cleaning the pool (lol) helps to get back to normal.

  5. Welcome home. So glad to hear it and without much damage. We are still cleaning up in Atlanta as well. Schools also still closed because of trees blocking roads and power outages. My daughter and her roommate evacuated Orlando to here. Took them 17 hours to get here last Thursday into Friday. They left yesterday to head back. Took them 16 hours to get home. It's normally a 7.5 to 8 hour drive. I could not imagine.


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