A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, September 22, 2017

Brown ITY Knit Circle Skirt

Just a fall wardrobe basic.  A brown ITY Knit Circle skirt to add to my skirt collection.  I made this up to test another pattern out and ended up really liking the fit of the skirt.  It's a keeper for Fall.

Brown ITY Knit Circle Skirt
I have a few sweaters/cardigans in my closet that match perfect with this skirt.  I don't have to make any tops to go with it!

Sweater wardrobe

Another sweater
I made this tank and cardigan last year and never really wore it.  I think it's a flashy choice.

Tank & Cardigan
I don't know what to sew up next........but I've been painting counter tops  & cabinets in the kitchen in between sewing up skirts!

Until next time.................



  1. How nice, your skirt looks like it fits in with many others items. Brown is so versatile that way.

    I wanted to comment on the good news of your hubby. I was on vacation where there was no internet or cell service (or TV) which was really nice, but now I am playing catch up. But your good news is very worthy of comment even if late. Congrats to you both. A person does not get promotions like that without the support and sacrifice of the family behind them. Thank you all (the family) for his service.


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