A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, September 30, 2019

McCall 7952 Sundress

Do NOT take Girl M. to Hobby Lobby!  First, she found a dress pattern she loved then she picked out fabric she wanted the dress made up in.  So $28.00 later we headed home so I could start on a muslin.

Where in the world is she going to wear this dress to?  It's not bra friendly or Church appropriate.  But how could this Momma say no?
McCall 7952
 She liked View B:
McCall 7952
The pattern sewed together easily and the pattern pieces matched up perfect.  Girl M was a size 18 bodice/20 waist and skirt.

The dress didn't fit on my dressform very well but good enough for pictures.  I used a white floral cotton fabric I had in my stash for her muslin.  Girl M. ended up liking the dress and fabric enough she wants me to finish it and wear it.  Wearable muslin?

McCall 7952 Sundress Muslin

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Girl M. LOVED the pockets!


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The only alterations needed were to shorten the bust dart by 1", make a 1/2" dart in the top band pattern piece to make the dress lay closer to the chest and I lined the bodice & skirt.  Easy fix.

Final fitting

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Pretty good fit

McCall 7952 Sundress

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Until next time................


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