A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, January 21, 2019

New Addition to The Family

I bought a Brother industrial sewing machine!  I have wanted one for a while and after finding one on Facebook Marketplace I found one for $300.  The gentleman selling it said it was his late Mother's who was a professional seamstress.  He also included 12 presser-feet, a gallon of oil, a box of miscellaneous sewing notions and TWO boxes of patterns!  Now that was a deal!

Brother Industrial Sewing Machine DB2-B781-4

Isn't she a Beauty!

Additional Feet
I didn't take any photos of the patterns but it was so amazing that I loved EVERYONE of them and they were all my size or really close.  There were at few patterns from the 60's but most of them were from the late 90's early 2000's. 

I'm learning my new machine and had to order the upper pre-tension assembly.  I can still play with it and I'm learning how sensitive the foot pedal is.  I am unable to find the exact owner's manual online but I've found two that were pretty close. 

I'm off to play with my "new" toy......................

Until next time..............



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