A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving & Black Friday

For the past 10+ years our family has escaped multi-Thanksgiving dinners and hid at hunt camp in Georgia.  We look forward to a quiet Thanksgiving and we DON'T eat Turkey either. (We had soup!)

Oldest son & his wife are joining us this afternoon so we will have a house full the rest of the weekend. Five people plus 3 dogs in a 288 sq.ft trailer.  Luckily we have a nice front porch and everyone is usually in the woods during the morning and evening hours.

Since there isn't enough room for my sewing I brought patterns to cut.  Cutting patterns is my least favorite part of sewing.  But it passes the time and encourages me to try a new pattern.  I do have great wi-fi here and I did browse through PatternReview.com and stalk many blogs.  I watched a few youtube videos and watched old movies. 

I don't do Black Friday (late Thursday?) shopping either.  I don't like crowds and I don't need a TV.  I didn't even do any online shopping either.  I guess after a year of minimizing my home and remodeling, I didn't NEED anything.

I have so much to be Thankful for:

  • My Faith
  • My Family
  • My little dog (Bojangles)
  • My Health
  • My Sewing

Peace, quiet, Thanksgiving, Coffee!

Hot Coffee, Cold Mornings

From October thru December my life seems like a big blur.  I hate that the holidays come so fast and that there is hardly anytime to enjoy them.  I dread the crowds at the stores and holiday shopping is not my favorite past-time. I wish I could just do all my shopping online!

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Until next time.............


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