A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Plum Black Heathered Jersey Knit Skirt

Of course I had to sew up a skirt to go with my maroon and gray striped top. I used my TNT yoga skirt pattern and omitted the yoga style waistband and added 1/2" to the waistband of the skirt.  I then serged 1/2" elastic to the waistband and turned inside and zig-zag stitched down.  Easy!

A tip I learned from Nancy Zieman the other day was to cut strips of knit interfacing ( I cut 1/2" strips) ironed them along the hem of the skirt, turned up the hem and did a zig-zag stitch there too.  Helps to keep the hem crisp, gives you a fold-line and doesn't gum up my machine needle like Steam-a-Seam 2 tape does.

Plum Black Heathered Jersey knit skirt

Plum Black Heathered Jersey knit skirt

1-1/2 yard skirt $3.00!
I think a navy blue version may be next on the sewing table!!!!

Until nest time............


1 comment:

  1. I made a dress from that fabric; it was really great to work with.

    Your skirt is a perfect match to your tee!


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