A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, November 20, 2017

Heather Gray Jersey Knit Combo

Can you really have enough drape neck tops or cardigans? 

Of course not!

This version from a heather jersey knit is more casual.  I had just enough fabric to make a short sleeve version drape necktop with a long sleeve cardigan.

TNT drape neck jersey knit top with short sleeves

Fabric close-up
 I just self-drafted the cardigan from something in my closet.  I didn't add any closure to the cardigan thinking it could just hang open a little.  I really like this combo and the hems do match up even on my lumpy, bumpy body.

Cardigan combo
 This jersey knit fabric was nice to work with, it didn't curl on the cut edges too bad and the stretch gives the top a nice flattering fit.  I did use my knit interfacing method on both the bottom hemline, the center front and on the sleeves.

$17.48 but I think I had a coupon code for a % off.  
 The close line is outside of my sewing room window and everyday I see this squirrel sit on top and look into the window.  I don't know what it wants! 

Peeping Tom
Until next time...............


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