A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Thursday, February 18, 2021

New Flooring-Day Four

 The contractors are moving right along.  They are some serious workers.  I hear hammering all day long! 

They finished the flooring in the Master Bedroom.  We re-painted over the past weekend.  

Master Bedroom

Drumroll P L E A S E...............................!  I have a walk thru!

Sewing Room walk thru

The flooring is almost half way complete in these two rooms.

Walk Thru

Here's the view from the other side!  I'm so excited!

Walk thru

I am just amazed how much they complete each day.  I'm thinking tomorrow will be Master closet, sewing rooms & master bath.  

I'm another day closer to being able to move back in!

Until next time................



  1. Replies
    1. Yes, they are moving right along. They said they would be finished tomorrow (Friday)! I'm so excited!

  2. I'm assuming they are more then halfway complete. You are so patient.

    1. Yes, they said they would be finished tomorrow (Friday)! I'm so excited and I am trying my best to be patient. I would love to go in during the day and "help"! But I stay out of their way.


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