A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, February 19, 2021

New Flooring-Day Five

 We're on the home stretch!  Hopefully I'll be moving back in soon.

The new flooring makes our closet look huge!  It will so much easier to keep the floors clean.

Master closet

Girl M.'s new room looks 100% better.  Classy!

Girl M's Room

Looking out Girl M's room toward the Kitchen

The contractors said they've only had one other house they were able to lay flooring with no doorway transitions. 

Last night before they left they suggested new toilets.  We seriously thought about it but were unable to decide what type and we were afraid that the height would interfere with the window in the Master Bath.  The contractors said they would pick them up for us and install them.  Win-Win! How could we tell them no to that offer?  They are perfect! and so fancy!  Top flush & water savers

Bathroom & New Thrones!

Dining room looking into sewing room

Sewing room walk thru

Sewing rooms

Since Girl M's old room is the smaller of the two sewing rooms I'm considering putting all the machines in there and fabric in the "old" sewing room.

New Sewing room

I am thinking of making curtains with this Timeless Treasures Vintage looking fabric.  They are currently out of stock so I'll just sit tight until it's back in stock.

I saw these valance/curtains on Pinterest.  I'm a sucker for anything black/white check.  I have plenty of time to decide.

Tomorrow they will be finishing up two small closet flooring and baseboard trims. They have painted the baseboard trim and they are drying on sawhorses in the living room.  We're expecting storms tonight & rain all day tomorrow.  Hopefully it will stop in the evening so we can unload the U-haul.  We have no help unloading this weekend (everyone is working) so we asked the contractors if their two helpers would be interested in a little extra money for and hour of work after they get off.  Hopefully they're willing.

 I'm so excited! Almost done!

Until next time...............



  1. Beautiful floors! Excited for you to plan and decorate your new sewing space.

  2. Your house redo looks really nice
    Can't wait to see it finished. Am happy for you! Are you still sewing

  3. So happy to hear from you! Yes, sewing is happening, not as much as I would like but I try to sew when I can. I'll be happy to get all of my house projects done and things back to normal. Happy sewing!


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