A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I've Created A Monster! Another Butterick 4807 Pants Simplicity 1355 Top

Girl M. LOVES these new top and pants I've been making her.  Every time she comes into the sewing room she spies another fabric she wants me to make into a set.  She's eating away at my fabric stash!  But this Mamma can't say no.

Butterick 4807 Pants/Simplicity 1355 Top

Side View

Back View

Sorry for the bra strap showing photos but I once I made the outfit, she snatched it up ans I have to ask her try it on real quick and snap whatever photos I can.   I can never seem to find the camera in the morning before she leaves for school.

I'm glad she likes the outfit and hope to sew for myself soon.  I'm really wanting to sew Dear Hubby a button up shirt...........but I always hesitate and put it off.  It's on the to-do list.

Until next time..................



  1. Bonnie! Thankyou thank you! Just received McCalls 6074. I am so excited. Can't wait to start on it
    Just got some fabric from Fabric Mart so happy day fore

  2. Happy happy day for me! Bless you my sewing sister


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