A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, April 30, 2018

Prom 2018

Girl M. was asked to the Prom this year.  It was also her "first" date!  They grow up too fast!

Boy was a "real" Gentleman and asked her to Prom with a cute sign & rose petals & candles.  Sorry I didn't get a photo because of it being a surprise at the last minute.  Boy also asked Dear Hubby for permission to ask Girl M to Prom.  Dear Hubby was honored to be asked he paid for their dinner.

Boy went all out and bought Girl M. this beautiful corsage and a big bouquet of flowers.

Girl M. found this dress at Ross for only $29.99!  Great deal and the fit is perfect.

Boy was a good sport while taking photos.  He was not feeling well.

People ask them if they are twins.........

I try to make them think of an unusual spot to take pictures.  They came up with a boat dock/fishing pier at the nearby river.  I loved their choice.

Boy LOVES to fish.  So I thought I would have a little fun with it!

Girl M. looks like a fairy in this photo.

This cypress tree behind them was huge.  I love that they were willing to get into the woods to let me take a photo in front of this beautiful tree.

They look so classy!

They are usually always laughing

Now that Prom is over I really have to get started on the Derby Day Dress.  I still have no ideas of what I want to wear.  I also have to get going on a dress for Girl M.  She said she's thinking of polka dots. 

Wish me luck to get these dresses started and finished! AND can you believe that it's May tomorrow?  Where does time go?

Until next time..............



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