A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Ugly Sweater Party 2017

Our oldest son & our Daughter in Law hosted an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party.  I must admit I am a Scrooge/Grinch when it comes to Christmas parties.  I just can't seem to be able justify spending money on an Ugly Sweater to wear to ONE party.  Times that by 3, because Dear Hubby and Girl M both needed ugly sweaters too.

We didn't do sweaters but ugly sweatshirts.

Dear Hubby was the most excited about his.  He found his inspiration way back in October!

I decided to do an ugly sweater sweater.  I couldn't do just a top so I had a tablecloth that was gifted to me at Thanksgiving.  I had it on our table a few times but I thought it was ugly so "Why not make it into a skirt!"  I think I'm getting into this "UGLY SWEATER" thing!

Ugly Sweater Party

Dear Daughter wanted a Trump "Make Christmas Great Again" ugly sweater.  She came in 2nd place!

Girl M & her friend
 Boy F. made this sweater his own..........He's too funny!  His girlfriend is  just the cutest!

We also had to a white elephant gift exchange, appetizer/finger foods and so many laughs!  It was so good to just relax and have a good time.

Tomorrow is another day of Christmas for us so off to bed for another early day.

Until next time..............


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