A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Simplicity 1072 Sweatshirt

I've made the Simplicity 1079 sweatshirt back in 2015.  I've since donated the two sweatshirts being too big.  I loved my sequin version but only wore it twice.  It was a little to shiney!

Simplicity 1072

2015 Version

2015 Version

My first version this time was too big too. I'm going to gift it to my Mother or Sister-In-Law,  So off I am to sew up another version.

Simplicity 1072 Too big.............

Back View

I cut out a size 18, adding only 1.65" at the hip seam allowances.  I also lengthen it by 2-1/2" since I didn't use a bottom band.  I raised the neckline 1" and removed 1/2" from the sleeve circumference.

I'm thinking this is going to be a wearable muslin.

Simplicity 1072 

Back View

Side View

You know I can't just make one of a pattern, so I'm off the make another version!

Until next time.............



  1. Wearable muslin? It looks great to me. Love them all.

    1. I like the sweatshirts, I was thinking of combining the front and side to make a traditional sweatshirt since I like this one so much. You can never have too many cute sweatshirts.


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