A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, January 6, 2020

What's Up?

Dear Hubby & I are the worse selfie takers!  But at least we continue to try!  He took me out for a date this past weekend. Dinner, a movie & coffee on the way home!  I'm a homebody so going out is a big deal!  

Date Night

I finally got around to wearing the leopard print duster I made here.   Girl M has worn it several times already.  It's nice now that we wear the same size.  Double the closet!

It was a little chilly yesterday morning for Church.  That's my it's cold, hurry up & take the picture smile!  The turquoise sheath dress I made for Easter last year and was huge on me but the duster covered it up enough for morning service.  I'll fix it this week.

Sunday photo
 I bought this skirt for Girl M for Christmas.  I can't wait to wear it too!

Girl M. Sunday photo
I have been working on a white button down shirt for myself.  It's slow sewing.  I've made/re-sewn the collar and collar stand three times.  It just doesn't look good enough.  Are you your worse customer too?  I hope to have pictures soon.

I have a tote bag full of patterns from Joanne's pattern sale & my Ebay purchases that I need to categorize and put photos into my computer but I want to sew.  Better keep my sewing mojo going.

Hope your having a great week & Happy Sewing

Until next time...................



  1. Date nights are nice. We went every Thursday night with another couple for several years. Always trying to find new resturants, trivia or a movie or bowling or something. This past summer there was something always going on that we couldn't get together much and so we fell out of routine. Now hubs and I go out when we have a craving for a certain type of food or on Tuesdays for discount movie day at our local theatre.
    That skirt is so pretty, are you sure she will share? (I know she will.)
    Your leopard duster DOES cover any bagginess of the dress, at least in the picture. I am still in total awe of you guys.

    1. Thank you for being one of my "Cheerleaders!" I truly appreciate all the encouragement!


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