A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, July 8, 2019

McCall 6073 Floral Panel Dress

I just can't help myself!  I purchased this floral print panel from Fabric Mart Fabrics last month and it really needed to be sewn into the McCall 6073 dress.  I used a black ITY knit for the bodice and waistband and the floral panels for the skirt.  I love this dress!

McCall 6073 Dress
Summer is here and it's HOT in Florida!  Today the thermometer read 104 degrees at 11:00AM!  The pool water is a soupy 92 degrees.  It's not even refreshing anymore.  We look forward to the afternoon thunderstorms to help cool things down a little but they have been sparse lately.  I don't want to see my electric bill this month!

I'm off to sew something.........maybe something new, maybe not!

Until next time...................



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am all for sewing TNTs. If it works, wear it!

    Oops, I misread. I thought this was a border print. I like the solid top and print bottom. Great use of fabrics!

  3. This dress is so cute! How did I miss this panel?! See this is what happens when I don't visit Fabric Mart every day! LOL!

    1. Looking at Fabric Mart everyday is my Worse habit! LOL! They also had this print in yellows. Girl M. may get a dress with that one.

  4. The fabric is great ☺️, nice work as always.


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