About a year ago a friend from Church invited me to an online Essential Oil Chat. After looking into Young Living brand oil I decided to make my first order for a healthier lifestyle change. I ordered the oils slowly since many are very pricey and pinned many oil combos on my Pinterest board.
I have used oils for so many different ailments, problems and just plain yummy room scents. But my favorite share is Girl M and her acne story.
About two years ago her acne got really bad. I felt bad for her and decided it was time to take her to the Dermatologist. They put her on an acne medicine (which our insurance wouldn't cover) and a low dose antibiotic. For the next 6 months we spent an average of $200 per month. We did not see any improvement in her skin. The Doctor suggested we put her on birth control pills and change over to a different acne medicine but we had to have blood work done every month. I questioned the blood work and reluctantly they told me they had to watch her liver function. NO WAY! To begin with we are very conservative and having my 14 year old daughter on birth control was a BIG NO, then allowing her to take a medicine that could possibly damage her liver. NO NO NO!
Meanwhile when Dear Hubby had his foot surgery I used an essential oil blend for a natural pain relief and he loved it. So after some further research I found an acne oil blend for Girl M to try.
Now it took about 6 months for us to tell a difference in her face but the photos are a year and a month different and her skin is improving every day. She is very good about her daily skin care routine and wears little to no make-up daily. I think removing sugar from her diet would help, but she's 16 and I can only control so much.
6/2017 |
7/2018 |
Her daily skin care routine is:
AM: Wash face with warm water, pat dry. Use Apple Cider Vinegar diluted 3:1 as a toner on a cottonball.
PM: Wash face with Nutrogena Cleansing face wash, pat dry, use ACV as a toner, then apply Essential oil blend of 6 drops Frankincense. 4 drops Lavender, 2 drops Tea Tree mixed into 30ml of Jojoba oil. She uses about 3-4 drops onto a cotton ball wiped over face & neck.
We look forward to seeing the comparison photo in another year.
Until next time..........