A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, March 12, 2018

Islander Sewing Systems

After watching a FREE weekend of classes at Craftsy I came across a lady named Janet Pray from Islander Sewing Systems.  I watched her MotoCity Jacket tutorial.  I really enjoyed the way she taught and her way of sewing.  I never intended to make this jacket but she kept me interested during the whole 2+ hours.  Her sewing technique really intrigued me. 

I tried to watch her shirt making class but I was unable to get time to watch it.  I hope that maybe in the near future Craftsy will have another free watching weekend. 

If you have any advise or comments about the Islander Sewing Systems, please let me know.

I FINALLY ordered my new Twinfit dress form from WAWAK.com!  It's expected to be here today!  I can't hardly wait.

I sewed up two sheath style dresses and I would love to show them to you but they won't fit on my current plus size dress form.  I tried to take a photo of them hanging on the hanger on the door, they looked like really bad Ebay picture. LOL!

I hope to get photos soon for you.

I saw Silhouette Patterns had new Spring patterns out.  I am really liking the #618 Bailey's Cape Sleeved Blouse. 

I'm not sure I can justify paying $15.99 for the pattern but I'm really liking it.

Until next time.................



  1. I've watched all of Janet Pray's Craftsy classes, and while I learned some useful things, for the most part I don't prefer the methods she uses. A lot of them take practice to do well, and since I don't sew the same thing over and over, these methods are not practical for me. The way she shows you how to sew without pins is very useful on long fairly straight seams, though.

  2. I’ve also purchased all of Janet Pray’s classes. I had started following her aunt a number of years prior to Craftsy classes. I have put her methods into use and yes I use an occasional pin and seen a huge improvement in my overall work. The results do look much more professional. Curves take practice but once you get it down wow there is no stopping you. For me it just seemed easier for some reason. The burrito yes that’s confusing. The one thing I find with Islander newest pattern 232 is the sizing, just seems to be too big. To me does not have that modern look they claim it does. Sorry for going on so long. Happy sewing!!!


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