A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, February 8, 2016

Wawak Buying & A Stuck Finger.................

I needed some serger threads and I've been in need of a self-healing rotary mat for some time, Wawak had a great price on a 24" x 36" one and a great sale on all types of thread.  I also purchased 2" knit elastic for making maxi skirts or yoga skirts.

My sweet DEAR DAUGTHER came into the sewing room chatting with me while I was unpacking and started playing around with a spool of NEW serger thread.


She got her finger stuck in the spool!

Brand New Spool of Serger Thread
 I'm glad Dear Hubby was there.  I don't do well with "emergencies".  I made mashed potatoes while all this drama was going on.  I had hot flashes and cold sweats and was sick to my stomach.......I would never make a good nurse!

Dear Hubby put soap into the spool and around her finger to try to get it loose.  Then he soaked her finger along with my spool of NEW serger thread in a bowl of ice water.  Still no luck.

He started cutting off the thread from the spool with a razor blade.

Finger Stuck
 He soaked her finger in more ice water, still no luck.

Her finger was starting to swell, he knew he had to cut off the cone.  He was worried he would hurt her finger.  (Her writing hand too!)

Finger stuck in serger cone
 Finally after about 20 minutes Dear Hubby removed the cone from her finger.  She is able to move her finger but there is a little swelling and a little skin missing.

Dear Daughter's Finger
I hoped she learned her lesson about sticking her finger where it doesn't belong!  Now I think I have new rule of NO ONE in my sewing room!

Oh, by the way, the mashed potatoes were over stirred, over salted and very runny.............but my stomach doesn't hurt anymore!!!!

Until next time................(keep your finger out of my serger cone!)



  1. Oh my goodness! I didn't even know this was possible! What an ordeal -- glad it all turned out okay.

  2. Oh no! Glad she is okay. I am no go in emergencies either. I would have made mashed potatoes too.

  3. That's one crazy story! Glad that she is O.K.


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