A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blessed with More Fabric

A Dear sweet lady from our church was cleaning out some of her sewing fabric and asked me if I would be interested in some.  WOW I hit the JACKPOT!  I am truly blessed with a loving church family.

There were 5 boxes of fabric.  Most of the fabric was between 3 and 7 yards of wardrobe style fabrics.  What a Blessing!  She had taste very similar to my own.  There were lots of blues, browns, greens and pinks. She seems to like floral and prints.  There were a few border prints.  I have never sewed a pattern with a border print.  No stripes or plaids.   There were a few knits but mostly polys, cottons & a few chiffons. 

Fabric gifted to me

Boxes of fabric and patterns

Fabric Sorted, Folded and Labeled-My Fabric Stash

It only took me 2 days to sort, re-fold & label all 109 pieces of fabric.  Dear Hubby loved it when ever he would walk by and I was ask him to help me fold a piece..... I can fold up to 5 yards by myself, anything more kills my arms and my folding is very off.  I liked the quality time with him!  It's funny, it can take me over 5 minutes to fold a large length of fabric but together it only takes about a minute!

I was also given a basket full of patterns.  Maybe about 50 or so.  There were wardrobe patterns, a few dress patterns and craft item patterns, and a lot of skirt patterns. 

The fabric and patterns were truly appreciated and I feel very blessed!

Until next time................

Blessed Bonnie


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, of course! I live in Florida, it's only cold a few days of the winter season. I do have longer skirts I wear with knee high boots in these months. Tights, leggings etc are great too. Thanks for stopping by!


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