A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy B-Day to Me!

Today is my 38th Birthday! 
I don't feel like I'm 38 so I'm going to say I feel like I'm 28 with the knowledge of a 38 year old! How's that!

When I got home yesterday from work this is what I found on the counter waiting for me:

Surprise! More baby chicks!
Seven baby Silkies!
These little babies are about the size of a ping-pong ball.  They are the tiniest little chicks I have ever seen.  I am almost afraid to hold them.  They are just the cutest chicks ever!  Thank you so much Boy T. & Girl M!

I could not take pictures of the other chicks so here they are:
I luv me some little chicks!

Dark chick is from the Chicken swap

Chickens roaming the yard

Valentine Chick, getting big about 6 weeks old.
Boy T. worked on the Jeep seat for me.  The passenger seat sits too far back.  I feel like I'm looking out the top.  He tried but I think I might just check junk yards for a new to me seat. 

I made an appointment for Friday at an Auto Audio store to have them give me an estimate on fixing the DVD players in the Yukon.  I looked online and saw the same setup for $1,899.00!!!! The two headrest DVD players work if I hook up the house DVD player but there is no sound.  I see that there in a transmitter on the ceiling for wireless headphones, but I have no clue how that works and there is a DVD player on the passenger sun visor but I do not even know how to work it.... I'm not technically inclined with all this modern technology but I figure if it is in there, I might as well get it working for the kids.  We might want to drive it farther than 15 miles one day!

I made homemade cabbage rolls in sauce in the crock pot for dinner.  Yummy! So glad I don't have to cook when I get home tonight.  I am a one pot cook.  I love soups and crock pot meals.  I just like it simple and only one pot to clean.  Then I can have more time to pet chicks!

Until next time.....


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