A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, February 24, 2023

Love Notions Laundry Day Green & White StripeTee Dress with Runched Ties

 There are a few Facebook Live broadcast that I like to watch to get inspirational ideas from.  One of my favorites is Shepherd's Fashions from Canada.  I like that the ladies not only give tip on dressing current styles but also multiple ways to wear an item.  The ladies are "real" sizes and all ages.  I probably would shop there if it wasn't 1200 miles away! 

This T-shirt dress with the runched front ties caught my eye.  I love the style & the stripes.  I didn't care for the length.  It was a little too short for me.  I don't love my knees (I'm working on that!) and wanted the dress to be a little longer.

$119 Dress 

Cute in blue too!

A little denim Jacket too!

I found a fabric similar at Fabric Mart Fabrics (surprise! surprise!).  Jungle Green/Off-White Poly/Lycra Horizontal Stripe Rib Knit 56W $4.50/yard.  I used 2.5yards, So my version was $11.25!

Rib Knit Fabric

My Version

I took in the side seams by 1" to reduce the fullness of the swing of the skirt.  I lengthened the dress 4".  I added a channel inside the dress for the ties and made two buttonholes to slide the ties out of.  

Ties undone


Back View

I am happy with my version of the very expensive T-shirt dress and think there may be more in the future!

Happy Sewing!



  1. Wow. That is so flattering and well done. If you dont mind I will use this idea also. Thank you


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