A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, July 1, 2016

Butterick 6838 Orange Floral Nightgown

I told you I was going to make another nightgown.  I have had this thrifted sheet for years and I knew I held onto it for "something special".

Butterick 6838 Orange Floral Nightgown

Front Yoke

Back Yoke View
My ITY & jersey knit fabrics were driving me crazy.  I had them sorted by solid and prints and each took three bins.  I went through them and sorted them by cut lengths.  Now I know which ones I can use for dresses compared to just a top.

It's so much easier to glance over and see what I have for what I want to sew up next.

Knit Fabric Sort
I'm off to sew something wonderful!

Until next time................



  1. Replies
    1. The more I wear these gowns the more I love them. Thank you again!

  2. Love these nightgowns! The pattern is flattering and the sheets are perfect for it. I am so tempted to try this pattern since I need another nightgown but I have pulled out my tnt Kwiksew 3747, I make view A without the peter pan collar and with short sleeves for summer. At least, what passes for summer here in Washington. ;)

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Enjoy your cool summer, it's so hot here, over 97 degrees with 95% humidity. I'm melting all the time! I like the Kwiksew 3747 pattern, it's similar to the Butterick 6838.


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