A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Silhouette Pattern #2913 Nick & Zoe's Skirt Muslin & Coke Wash

I do not like change.  Once I sew a pattern, I can make 3, 4, or 5 of the same thing.  Little changes here and there, but if I like it, why not make many?

Silhouette Pattern #2913 Nick & Zoe's Skirt

I was nervous, excited and anxious about the Silhouette Pattern #2913 skirt.  I always have trouble with skirts since I am sooooo lumpy curvy.  I followed the directions on the pattern that stated this pattern had measurements for the finished garment.  I had to add a little for my hips but my waist size was listed! 

I didn't want to mess up the pattern so I traced the pattern pieces onto my "Fit to Me" brown kraft paper I always use.  At first I was a little confused because there were so many pattern pieces.  I came to realize that there were only THREE pattern pieces, printed 4 times.  I just adjusted one set of the pattern pieces and traced it onto the kraft paper.  I didn't need 12 pieces to confuse me. 

12 total pattern pieces!

My THREE pattern pieces!

I just laid out the three pattern pieces, cut them out, moved them, and repeated.  It amazed me that three little pieces would eventually make me a skirt. 

Sewing the pattern pieces together reminded me of making a quilt.  Piece, sew, piece, sew. 

I made a muslin out of this lovely ugly cotton/poly fabric that I knew I would NEVER wear outside of the sewing room.  It's lightweight, easy to sew up.  I tried to use up all the odd colored bobbin threads I had stored since it was almost a spaghetti mess in my drawer!

Silhouette #2913 Muslin
I didn't do any of the topstitching on the muslin.  I was too excited about seeing if it would fit.

Silhouette #2913 Muslin
I threw in a lovely ugly green invisible zipper that I need to take more time putting in!

Silhouette #2913 Muslin with a wonky zipper

The directions for finishing the waist were a little vague. I decided that on this muslin I just zig-zagged a 3/8" elastic at the waist and turned it to the inside, holding it in at a few seeams.  It was ok.... but I think I need something a little more sturdier for a denim fabric.

The muslin went together pretty fast to my amazement.  I just knew it wasn't going to fit by looking at it.  Then after trying it on..............................


I wore it around for about an hour, getting the feel of it and.......................................


Unhemmed it comes about an inch above my knees.  I don't think I'm going to like the length.  I have decided to lengthen the skirt by 3-3/4".  That lengthens the skirt from 23" to 28-3/4" unhemmed.

The directions were even more vague on lengthen the skirt.  It says to shorten/lengthen on the adjustment lines.  What adjustment lines?  I didn't see any.  I am thinking that the yoke length was fine so I needed to add length at the bottom section. 

Silhouette #2913 Adjustment lines?

Silhouette Pattern #2913 Tissue Paper pattern

I marked parallel lines on the bottom two pieces.  Having the lines parallel to the grainline.

 On a sheet of paper I marked 3-3/4" with two parallel lines.  Cutting the pattern in a horizontal line perpendicular to the two parallel lines I split the pattern apart.  I made sure that my parallel mark lines were even and taped the two pattern pieces to each side of the 3-3/4" lengthen line.  I trued up the side seams and cut out my new pattern.

Silhouette Pattern #2913 two lines parallel to grainline

3-3/4" lengthening guide lines

Silhouette #2913 Pattern lengthened
I trued up the seams and made sure the pattern pieces fit back together.  Looks like a good fit to me!

Silhouette #2913 Longer skirt pattern pieces
How do you soften stiff fabric?

I have heard that washing stiff fabric in a can of Coke-a-cola soda will soften the fabric.  It has to be Coke brand and no diet.  I was a little hesitant but since I had to wash the fabric anyways, why not give it a shot.

I think it may be a good thing.  Since I was going to wash fabric, I picked four fabrics to wash at one time.  I only used 12 oz. of Coke in my front load washer for all four pieces of fabric.  Two fabrics were softer, two I couldn't tell.  So I washed the two fabric I couldn't tell again in 12 oz. more of Coke.  I think it was softer.  After a round in the dryer, I think the Coke has softened the fabric some. 

All in all I washed 8 pieces of fabric and used most of a 2-liter bottle of Coke.  I can't say for sure that it softened the fabric, but it didn't hurt it either and it's a great story!

Starting at the left is a black eyelet in stretch cotton, black stretch denim, satin back black peach skin?, and a beautiful black print stretch cotton twill.  I see Silhouette #2913 out of the two middle fabrics coming!

Black Fabric selection to be washed in Coke
Starting from the left, a navy blue linen, blue stretch denim, mocha poly/wool gabardine, brown something with wool plaid.  I am liking all of them in a skirt!

Blue & Brown Fabrics prior to coke wash
Now that I'm a roll sewing up skirts I have gotten away from my fall sewing list, but lots of skirts in denim and wool are considered fall, right?

I am only a few hours late catching up on my Project Runway viewing.  What did I do before DVR?  I really liked their unconventional challenge this week. 

Kelly & Edmonds dresses were really nice, of course I love Ashley's polaroid dress. It was lovely!  My least favorites were Swapnil, Joe, and Lindsey. 

Kelly deserved the win.  Great job!  She's warming up on me.  I'm happy they didn't send Swapnil home, he's a great designer.  Joseph going home isn't a shock.  But it was close between him and Lindsey. 

I can't wait until next week..................!

Until next time..................



  1. I like the panels and topstitching for that pattern, Good fit too. I never heard of the Coke softening fabric. The wonder beverage!

    1. Thank you! I am really liking this pattern, I'm thinking something more in a suede or a velvet too! Coke.....I won't drink it but I can sure make good use of it!


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