A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, January 1, 2018

Time Suckers

Since Dear Hubby has gone to a "normal" 8-5 shift I am at home ALONE ALL day.  I've done well with getting on a schedule. But I have many things during my day that are "time suckers".

LIFETIME CHRISTMAS MOVIES (I'm glad these are over!)

Are you seeing a pattern here?

There seems to be no time left for sewing........

I'm thinking I need to do a little housekeeping on my daily web browsing time.  Maybe trying to allow myself a certain amount of time in the morning then again in the evening for browsing the internet would help.

I do love my blog time.  I feel that I do it efficiently and I usually have a set time every week to catch-up and blog.  I think that this is the one area in my life that is organized and I am doing well in.

My day is usually scheduled like this:

8-9am-General Housekeeping/dishes, start laundry, etc.
9am-Bible study/prayer
10am-12pm Sewing free time (here's where I waste it on the internet)
12-1:00pm lunch while browsing the internet!
1-3pm free time (I should be sewing but I think of something to browse on the internet!)
3pm-exercise then browse the internet, check e-mails.
4pm- start dinner/pick up Girl M from the bus stop
6-9pm time with hubby watching Jeopardy and Football (I browse the internet)
9pm start final clean-up & getting ready for bed.

Ok so that is almost 7+ hours browsing the internet.........it's really sad to think how much time I waste.  I really need to get my act together!

I am thinking I want to start doing some bullet style journaling.  I am a list maker type person.  I like list, I like things in order.  I've always had a calendar on my refrigerator and if it's not on the calendar it's not happening.  Since I have a new refrigerator, I didn't put the calendar back on it.  I think a desk calendar is going to be in the works for 2018.

If you have any journal ideas, please let me know.

I don't think that I will have any exciting New Years Resolutions.  Just the usual eat right, exercise and be thankful every day.  I do hope to loose 40lbs within the next year.  I think I'm on a pretty good track so far but as Boy F likes to say to me, "There's always room for improvement!"

Happy New Year!

Until next time....................



  1. I have the same time suckers issues. Some weekend I waste both days staying in bed all day browsing the internet. What a waste sometimes. What I've done is set a daily goal that resolve things I need to do such as laundry, organization, grocery shopping, etc. This way in my mind I can justify the time I wasted on line.

  2. Oh my! You are singing my story! I've tried enforcing a time limit on my internet use also. I have a routine (email/newspaper/bloglovin/facebook) that can take up to two hours--sometimes longer if I down a few rabbit trails. I need to start my sewing after my morning coffee/devotion/kitchen tidy-up and BEFORE my internet browsing. My mom said if you want to get something done, do it before 12 noon. If I don't get to my sewing room early, it won't happen. Creativity is such a great (mental health) outlet for me too. There are odd times when I get a surge to create at odd times, but nothing beats a consistent, yet flexible schedule (which I need in ALL areas of my life). I have the fabric, the patterns, and the ideas... 2018 is a New Year -- Small (but necessary) steps on our journey ...

  3. Oh dear, I don't remember moving or changing bodies, but I think you are me, OR I am you? No further explanation necessary.

    My resolution is to stop procrastinating (meaning the time sucks). This will involve changing my schedule (which is self set and looks a lot like yours) that has become habit. I wish us both success.

  4. I just wrote about this too! I will do better!


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