A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Friday, June 23, 2017

We Made It 25 Years!

This past week Dear Hubby and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary.  That's is a looooooooong time putting up with me!

25 Years Ago

My favorite Picture of "us"
Another One
Most Recent One
I wish I could say we had some grand plan for our Anniversary.  I am such a homebody and since we have Dear Daughter home for the summer and two spoiled little dogs, we just opted to buy steak for all the kids and their "other".  Everyone came over for dinner and there were lots of laughs and a little sibling rivalry.  Dear Hubby and I enjoyed the evening with the kids and it was exactly like we like it!

Here's to 25 more years together.

Until next time................



  1. Congratulations on 25 years!!!!

  2. Oh Bonnie, congratulations on being married 25 years! Great pictures of you two together. We celebrated 30 years on May 2 this year.

    1. Thank you. We're catching up with you! Congratulation on 30 years!

  3. Congrats! 25 years is so special. Here's to the next 25 minus the falling and injuring oneself! I love the most recent pic of you both the best. We hit 32 years on June 15. The best years of my life.

  4. Congratulations on 25 years of marriage! Love the pictures!
