A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Honeymoon is Over

Dear Hubby has been released to return to work!  After 14 weeks (that's 98 days!) together, our little honeymoon is ending.  He still has some pain and stiffness in his foot, but he takes Aleve and it's bearable.  I think he's ready to return to work and to his "guys".  I have enjoyed him being home with me and thankful of the time we've had together.  We spent more time together these last few months than our 24+ years of marriage.....!

Last day of Honeymoon!

Dear Hubby had to shave his beard for work.  He worked three months growing it.


No Beard

The past few days I have been thinking  about my sewing room.  Thinking about sewing..... thinking about a dress....I really want to get in there and sew something!  I hope my sewing mojo is returning!

Until next time.............



  1. It is nice that you had this time together, even if it was due to an injury. Now you will get back to your routine from before and I bet that will include some sewing! The beard looked really nice, to bad he had to shave it off, what did you think of it?

  2. Thank you for your kind comments. I did like the beard, it made him more relaxed, not so stiff. But I think that comes with his job. I did get into the sewing room, his first night working I cleaned & put stuff away, re-threaded my serger and looked around at all my beautiful fabric. His second night working I made myself a skirt and Dear Daughter a maxi skirt. I hope my sewing mojo is coming back!!! Thanks for stopping by & chatting with me.


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