Sometimes you read someone's post on their blog and a lightbulb comes on and you think "Why not!" After reading Coco's Loft post
here I have decided to grow out my gray hair! Why not!
I have been going gray since I was in my 20's. It has never bothered me. But the last 20+ years I have had it professionally dyed every 6 weeks.
This photo from about 11 years ago shows how much gray I had then. My hair was much longer and I received a lot of negative comments about the gray stripe but the gray didn't bother me. I always thought that God gave me something special. Both of my parents are/were completely gray early. My Dad in his 50's, my Mother probably in her 50's too (but she dyed it for years too but has since stopped and is now beautiful salt & pepper).
2006 |
My hair is short, a man's regular haircut length. I am thinking that giving it 6 months it should be completely grown out gray. My last coloring was December 1, 2016. So, the middle of summer June/July I should be rid of all the hair coloring. That's about 30 weeks.
This is one of my favorite pictures from our weekend at the beach for our oldest son's wedding in 2015.
November 2015 |
I've been watching quiet a few Youtube videos on growing out gray. There is so much information out there about shampoos, styling, emotional cycles and wardrobe colors. One of my biggest hurdle has been telling my hairdresser. She has always done a wonderful job coloring my hair and I do value her opinion but......
- She is 10 years younger than me and
- I've tried this before and she did NOT like it.
I'm afraid that as much as I love how she cuts my hair, I may have to find someone else, I just hope that she will understand and be supportive. I did let her know a few days before my appointment that I am planning on growing out my gray hair. I didn't want to read her response but all she said was "WOW" with some heart emoji. Maybe giving her some time to think on it won't be such a shock.
Update: My hairdresser was cautious but she was ok with the not dying my hair. She warned me that I will have much more gray than I did 10 years ago........duh! But I think she will come around. She also agreed that it should all be grown out in about 6 months. My next appointment in February will show a lot more gray.
Speaking of support, Dear Daughter was not on board of this journey. She spent most of the first day I told her trying to sway me into JUST coloring it. I finally had to talk to her about being a little more supportive with MY decision. I let her know I valued her opinion but it was MY hair and MY decision and that sometimes you have to be supportive even if you don't agree. Maybe I should have that same talk with my Dear Hubby!
My Mother would probably kill me if she knew I posted this photo! Both my Mom and my brother have naturally curly/wavy hair. Mine is straight as a board! Maybe it will change when I stop coloring it!
Mom's silver locks Christmas 2016 |
I am very interested in wardrobe colors for my new changing hair color. I did wear a lot of warm colors like brown, orange, gold and tan. Now I think I need to look towards more blacks, grays, whites, dark purples, royal blue and jewel tones.
I'm going to have to go through my closet and re-evaluate my tops & dresses.
Tops |
Dresses |
I 've been warned about people's reaction to growing out my gray hair. There is a sweet lady at Church who is very vocal about things, her reaction will be priceless I'm sure. My Mom's and my Aunt's will be to discourage me and I know someone will say I've let myself go. I will just have to wear a little make-up and smile for the next few months.
I know that my hair color won't change overnight and my perseverance will pay off eventually. I also think that change is good sometimes too.
The Bible says in Proverbs 16:31
The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. I had to Google hoary head and it means gray, white or silver. So if it's in the Bible, it must be good!
Here are my before photos. No glamour shot here!
6 week grow-out (My hair looks red in the sun?!) |
Gray is growing out about 1/2" every 6-weeks |
It's funny that the camera shows what you can't see! |
I didn't know all that was back there! |
Wish me luck and please, if you notice I crop my head out of photos for a few months, you will know why but I will keep you updated on my latest journey.
Until next time........