A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hurricane Matthew, Trauma Hospital and A Broken Leg

Dear Hubby had planned on fixing our leak in the roof at the fireplace chimney last month.  The company where we purchased the metal roofing from delayed our order for over two weeks, delaying Dear Hubby in replacing the leaking metal by a few weeks because he works night shift and he was sent last week to Ft. Lauderdale for training.

He was summoned home early because of the storm and had Thursday available to replace the metal roof before Hurricane Matthew arrived.  We had a day of preparation around the house to do before the up coming storm.

Well..........Dear Hubby was getting off the roof and while on the top rung of the ladder, the bottom slipped out and he fell about 10' from the roof onto our pool deck.  Having him yell for me was one of the worse sinking feelings in my stomach I have ever had.  Finding him laying on the deck in severe pain was the WORSE feeling I've ever had.

I do not do well under stress!

After a moment of panic, nausea and sheer terror, I begged him to let me call 911 because I couldn't help him up.  His hip and leg were in terrible pain.  I was sure I was going to be sick.  I knew I had to hold it together.  It's funny how you remember odd things during a crisis.  I have never in my 42 years had to call 911.

I did it and the ambulance, fire truck, two deputies and two neighbors showed up within 5 minutes.  The EMT's cut my very modest husbands' clothing from him, assessed his injuries, had him in a Aspen collar, on a board and off to the local (1 hour away) trauma hospital.  The EMT's decided the Trauma hospital since it was a fall and they initially thought that he may have a broken hip and multiple leg fractures.

I must say there is nothing like a hospital that specializes in Trauma injuries.  Dear Hubby remembers that upon arrival at the emergency that there were over ten staff members waiting for him.  As soon as the gurney wheels hit the ground they were working on him.  He said that he was attended to by so many people and so quickly.

By the time I drove the hour through evacuation interstate traffic Dear Hubby was coming out of his Cat-scan.  I was driven by the Valet to an entrance, told whom to ask for and quickly directed to my husband's bedside.
Ladder Fall



Knee Immobilizer/Leg Cast

The staff was so caring.  Not only concerned with my husband's needs but mine also.  They allowed me to stay overnight the whole three days. Making accommodations for me and making sure that I ate and got fresh air during my stay.

After several consults with an orthopedic surgeon and a staff of doctors and trauma nurses, Dear Hubby has a broken fibula (small bone in lower leg), possible torn tendons, a severe ankle/foot sprain and many abrasions and bruises.

I am so thankful for the wonderful care at the hospital and that Dear Hubby is now home with a an knee immobilizer leg cast and a bottle of pain meds.  Which he refuses to take.  He's managing his pain with Ibuprofen and rest.  We are scheduled to call the Orthopedic Doctor this morning for an appointment which will let us know the extent of damage to his leg and ankle.

Foot Bruising

I hope that he will make a speedy recovery and that things will get back to normal soon.  It's been so long, I don't even know what normal is anymore.

I miss sewing, I miss blogging, I miss normal!

PS The good news is that the storm was just enough off shore that we received only 1" of rain and minimal wind damage.  We need all the luck we can get!

Until next time...............



  1. Thanks heaven he is back home. I am wishing him a speedy recovery and you take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you for your care & concern. I'm happy to have him home too. I am physically & mentally exhausted but daily I try to take a few "me" minutes.

  2. Oh my goodness! What a scare you had. I hope for fast healing for him and peaceful calm for you.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope his recovery goes quickly. <3

  4. God is good even through traumatic events! Glad to hear hubby is on the mend. Schedule some self-care (sewing, walks, reading--whatever works for you). God is a Healer -- for the patient and the caregiver.

  5. Oh Bonnie, your poor husband! I am so glad you were home when it happened and were there to help him. Sounds like the hospital team was great. You will be busy taking care of him, that is for sure, and you will have a new normal for awhile. I broke my fibula in January and once it was healed (3 months, 1 month in a cast, 2 months in a walking boot) I was walking and doing everything like before. He will heal up just fine. This isn't the kind of excitement you want. And here we were worried about the hurricane!

  6. Bonnie, I am so sorry .. Know you were scared to death.. I worked 25 yrs in the hospital [Respiratory therepist] and have seen lots of things.. But, when some thing happens to my family, I completely loose it. ha
    Praying for him, that he will heal real soon.
    So happy to hear that the hurricane did not do damage to your house..

  7. Oh my! I am soo glad it was not worse! Don't worry about blogging until you are ready we will be here when you come back 😊. Until then take care of yourself so that you can take care of your hubby.


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