We took a little extended weekend trip last week to Georgia. It was not any cooler there than here in Florida. A plus was that there were so many things in bloom while we were there. Since I am not a native there, I had no idea what trees/bushes/plants they were. But the smell was just wonderful!
We saw a few (13) deer and a water snake. Nothing too exciting. But when we got home we had National Geographic in our back yard. It's Turkey mating season and the hens are out but this is the first time in my life I saw wild turkey gobblers. They were gobbling away, calling in the hens. And then a few acres over there were deer grazing in the pine trees. On our way home last night there was a 10-foot Alligator on the side of the road. It was good to be home!
I'm slowly making progress on the quilt for Dear Hubby's Aunt. I've finished about half of the 108 quilt blocks!
I've called the long arm quilter and he's running 4-6 weeks behind right now. His Aunt may not get the quilt in time for her birthday June 12th, but that's what happens when you decide at the last minutes to give a handmade gift.
Their only son passed away 4 years ago and every year on the anniversary of his death, they float fishing bobbers in the river in memory of him. I thought that one fishing bobber block had to be added to the quilt.
Bobber Quilt Block |
They breed pugs and gave us both of ours. I had these pug quilt blocks for a few years but I think that they are going to a good home. No picture yet but I did snap one of the pinwheels. I enjoyed making this quilt block but I'm glad I only had to make 12 of them!
Pinwheel Quilt Block |
There was so many extreme different quilt blocks I thought that adding solid color blocks would help with the flow of the quilt. I have to pick up a few more fat quarters to finish up the solid blocks. I just didn't have that much in my stash of quilting fabric of purple or orange.
Since this quilt has taken over the sewing room, I have to take Dear Daughter shopping tomorrow for a dress for her 8th grade dance & graduation. I so wanted to sew her something but I'm afraid time will run out on me..........It makes me sad, but I do get to spend the afternoon with her and my Mother.
My African Violets are blooming that I repotted a few months ago. They make me smile!
African Violet |
Our garden in full of yellow and green squash. There are so many bright yellow blooms that it looks like a field of gold coins!
Now to the dreaded news of a sewing fail!
A week or so ago I made the Butterick 5753 Top. I had seen many reviews and the top looked too cute!
Butterick 5753 Top |
This was one of the most confusing patterns to sew up. Maybe if my fabric had a right & wrong side it might have helped. But 6 pieces for a simple t-shirt! No finished measurements! I measured, added my usual hip/bust increase.
Well............... The shirt was about 40 sizes too big. I could have made a tablecloth out of it! I didn't take a picture of that disaster. But I couldn't just put it down. So I took in from the underarm to the hips. Shortened the sleeves and finished the neck edge and the hem.
I tried the top on and it fit much better but the sleeves are so wonky that it went into the garbage! Thank goodness it was a muslin and I used some "given to me" fabric.
Butterk 5753 Top |
Butterick 5753 Back View |
If anyone would like this pattern, comment to me and I'll be happy to share it with you. (First come,first serve. US shipping only please). I hope you'll have better luck than I did with it. The pattern is sized L-XL-XXL. It's cut out to the largest size and the only other damage is tear stains of frustration on the instructions! There are so many top patterns out there I really don't want to fuss with this headache again!
I can't wait to sew something for ME! I've had to wear the same dress more than twice! LOL!
Until next time.............................