A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

New Glasses & New Hair

Choosing new eyeglass frames is one of those things you have to depend on the person at the eye doctor's office to be helpful.  I have worn glasses for over 15 years and I have NEVER picked out my own frames.  This last visit is no different.  But the ladies at the office were so much fun!  They picked out so many I forgot which were which but they kept going back to the same pair.  Since I couldn't see a thing I went ahead and went with their choice for me.  I LOVE them but....... my kids keep meowing at me!  They say I look like the cat lady!

My previous pair were Coach and I had them for over 6 years.  They were practical and they matched with mostly everything I wear.  I would love to have a few pair but I'd have to get a good paying job for that!  My new frames are from Tura.  I like that the lenses are larger so now when I'm hand sewing I don't try to look under them. 

It was also time for my hair appointment and I wasn't liking my hair with the new glasses.  So I suggested I go shorter.  My hair stylist agreed and chop, chop, off more hair came.  I know it's her job to cut hair but she takes care of me.  I tried to grow it out one time and I think it almost killed her! I hate to say I do color my hair (every 4-6 weeks) but I have A LOT of grey and she doesn't like me in my natural grey state.  I don't mind it but she says it ages me.  But we both agree on the length.  I do love some short hair! 

Here's my new glasses and my new hair do.

New glasses & new hair do

My curious look......

Messy fun hair

My last selfie for a while!
 I am off to sew something wonderful!

Until next time..................



  1. I love it! My sister got the same frames a few months ago, so you're in good company. Love the hair cut too!

    1. Thank you! I have been enjoying the new hair cut, it's fun!

  2. You look great! Love the glasses and the hairstyle!

  3. Bonnie !!!! Your new hair cut is super flattering on you. .. love it! Perfect eyewear with your new do.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I'm having fun with my new hair & glasses!


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