A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sewing Updates

I finally got my Mother's birthday gift to her.  I had hoped she would like them.  Today, she sent me a photo.

Mom's Muse Natalie Dress
I must say I think she looks lovely!  I hoped to get to chat with her soon to see if the cardigan fits.  Happy Birthday Mom you look great!

In the sewing room...................... it looks like a disaster right now.  I'm working on a skirt for a lady.  She sent me with the skirt and I've made a paper pattern and a muslin.  I hope she likes it.

I'm also working on a quilt.  Now I know I complain a lot about quilts but this one I'm sending off the be quilted so all I have to do is make the top and pin the layers together.  Once I get it back I'll add the binding and out the door it will go!  I cheated and suggested the quilt have large blocks......since the fabric choice had large prints of course! 

I have got to get to sewing something for my son's wedding for me to wear.  Hopefully next week I can get going on it.

Until next time...................



  1. Your mom's dress is beautiful!! It fits her so well! I really love it. Ooooh can't wait to see what you decide for yourself for the wedding!

    1. Thank you! She has wore it a few times and loves the dress. I'm working on the wedding outfit, it's not as "fancy" as I wanted but I'm making progress! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Your mom looks lovely! Also, can't wait to see what you come up with for the wedding.

    1. Thank you! I'm making process on the wedding outfit, It's so hard to please yourself!

  3. Your mom clearly loves her dress and it fits her perfectly.

    1. She has worn it a few times and she said she loves it! I know what she's getting for Christmas, and Valentines and Mother's Day......
      Thanks for stopping by!


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