A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Saturday, July 18, 2015

McCall 6844 Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit Cardigan

This blue tropical cheetah ITY knit fabric was a wonderful fabric to work with.  Easy to cut, easy to sew and beautiful to look at!

Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit Fabric

 I made a pattern adjustment of a 1" dart at the shoulder seam on both the front and the back, tapering to nothing at the bust area.  I noticed that on the previous coral stripe cardigan that the shoulders ended a little low.  Making the adjustments brought the sleeve up just a little, making the fit even better.

I made View C with the flounce this time. 

McCall 6844 Cardigan pattern adjustment
 I wanted to have a layered collar instead of the two sided collar.  I thought that maybe a lettuce edge would be nice. 

I cut one collar pair as directed and the second pair I trimmed 1/2" off.  Layering the shorter collar on top. 

McCall 6844 Cardigan Collar
After trying the lettuce edge on a few scrap pieces I decided against it.  Since the stretch was going horizontal on the collar pieces you really couldn't get a good wave on the collar.  I decided to do a rolled hem in black to make the collars stand out a little more.

McCall 6844 Cardigan Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit
 I used wooly nylon thread in my upper looper of my serger to have a nice filled in look to the hem.  The rolled hem turned out great!

McCall 6844 Cardigan Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit-Rolled hem on Collar
 The rolled hem makes the collar stand out a little more on this busy fabric.

McCall 6844 Cardigan Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit
 I also did the rolled hem along the bottom hem of the flounce.  I combined the lower edges of the collar with the lower flounce at the hem, to keep the collar from flipping out.  I had to serge slow since it was with three thickness of fabric.  But it all worked out good and it does keep the collar laying flat. 

McCall 6844 Cardigan Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit-Back View

McCall 6844 Cardigan Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit-Side View
Blue Tropical Cheetah ITY Knit-Tag
The knit fabric was a little pricey compared to my other sew-ups.  I must have REALLY, REALLY, like it!  I did wash the knit in cold water and dried in the dryer and it washed up beautiful.  I don't know why it was dry clean?  Almost $15.00 for a cardigan?  I know I'll get a lot of wear out of this cardigan.

I'm really happy I tried this pattern.  I'm thinking it is going to a TNT! 

What to sew next?

Until next time................................



  1. Here I am Bonnie! I love learning about new to me blogs. Thanks for looking in at my blog too. Love this pattern and have made it at least 4 times. Your rendition is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you for your kind comments Faye. You have been an inspiration to me for years & I so enjoy your blog.

  2. It is really pretty!! I think you can get a lot of wear from it! It can pair with white, blue, gray, black, denim and shades of blue! Lovely!

    I think the "DCO" label is just a 'cover your rear' kind of thing a lot of the time.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments! I'm going to have to get to sewing something in grey now, but your denim idea is really hitting home now......
      Thanks for peeping over at my blog.

  3. Your cardigan is really pretty. Love the fabric.

  4. I have already worn this cardigan three times. I am going to have to make a few more. It's nice to just throw it on over what I'm wearing and I look polished! Thank you for your kind comment.

  5. I wear cardigans a lot and love yours - the fabric is so cool. Just found your blog - you've made a lot of pretty things.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. I do love this cardigan, I'm going to have to get to sewing a few more!


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