The kids have gone back to school and Dear Hubby is at work today! What to do with myself and ALL my free time?
Did 30 minutes of Pilates
Fixed two kids breakfast
Walked 2 miles
Took a shower
Took kids to bus stop & waited over 30 minutes for late buses
I've deep cleaned both bathrooms
Talked to my husband's uncle on the phone
Talked to my neighbor lady whose in a Rehabilitation facility with her husband
Cooked Dear Hubby Lunch
Washed/Dried/Put away 6 loads of laundry
Started dinner cooking...........................
And I wonder why I'm so tired at 2pm?
I'm glad to have the kids back to school. I do miss them dearly but I need MY TIME! I like the peace and quiet of no one home, no TV on, no one needing me to fix them something to eat!
We had a pretty good summer. We went to St. Augustine for 5 days, played in softball All-Star games, did a lot of swimming in our pool, took a few naps. The guys took a trip to Georgia to visit a friend of Dear Hubby who has retired, and one trip to Alabama to check on the hunt camp. Dear Daughter and I had a girls day out and had our hair colored & cut. Couple of shopping trips....... Lots of visits to my new nephew. Who I am now "Aunt B", isn't that the sweetest!
July was a rough month for me, I had some back issues: a bulging disc (I think). And that led to me walking funny and I damaged my meniscus in both my knees. I am a Doctor dodger, but I finally had to bite the bullet and go. I'm back to about 90%. Knees are great, back still tires out during the day. I'm getting older and it's no fun!
I did some sewing during the summer. A dress here or there and a dress or two for Dear Daughter! I couldn't believe she agreed to let me sew her something! I made her the Butterick 5202 dress with a knit fabric I had bought from The fabric was pretty slick to work with. The pattern was easy enough, I will need to modify the top on the next version. DD had to wear a tank top under it or a buttoned up sweater.
B5202 Butterick 5202 Knit Dress |
B5202 Butterick 5202 Knit Dress |
I didn't get a picture of DD wearing the dress. It was just too much trouble to ask her. 12 year olds!!!
I did make the Butterick B4443 Dress for myself in a hot pink. I really like how it turned out. I also made the McCall's M5006 bolero style jacket to go with it.
Butterick 4443 Dress |
McCall 5006 Bolero |
I made DD a dress from the same fabric as the McCall 5006 Bolero. She loved the dress until she realized that I had something to match......................
McCall's 2442 Dress |
DD wearing M2442 Dress |
I'm planning on making some skirts soon. Slim style at the knee. Nothing fancy but basics to go with various tops/sweaters/jackets I have. I am thinking a navy blue and a grey. I already have a black. I also have my eye on a beautiful blouce fabric from my dear neighbor that would make a lovely jacket.
Until next time......................................