A blog about my adventures in sewing & crafting

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cooling Bands For Hot Days

Girl M. is playing in an All-Stars Softball tournament.  I don't think the league realizes it's over 100 degrees when these girls play.  Not only is is bad on the players but it sure makes the parents cranky too!

I bought two of these neck cooling bands a few years ago at Dollar Tree for a trip to the beach.  We've used them many times and I always threatened to make more............ AND finally I made 7 more.

I used some steps from this tutorial.  I would make them longer.  Maybe 44" length. And I wouldn't  sew a parallel seam in the middle of the 14" pocket for the gel.  Making it easier to evenly distribute the water filled gel to fill the entire pocket.

Each band only took 1/2 tsp of the gel crystals.  I have plenty leftover.  Guess what the family is getting for Christmas!

Cooling Bands

Easy, fast, and I am so thankful I did!  They came in handy and helped cool us off.  It was 97 degrees and there wasn't a cloud in sight.  No wind either.  Just plain old HOT!

Girl M warming up
 Sunday's game was cancelled due to weather.  A 360 degree change from the previous day!

Girl M waiting for lighting to pass
I'm off to sew something wonderful in the Air Conditioning!

Until next time...................


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